Croquet article index

Articles written by Jeff Soo

Note, 12/29/2007

This is a set of older articles moved from My newer croquet articles have generally been posted at or the USCA website. But I may eventually get around to collecting it all here.

A Field Guide for Board-keepers

What to do and say while tending the deadness board in American rules. Useful as an insert to tournament handouts.   NEW, August 2004

An improved double-elimination draw

Better and fairer than the “standard” draw.

An international rules primer

An outline of the differences between Association Croquet (“international rules”) and USCA Croquet (“American rules”).

An international rules summary

Summary version of the International rules primer.

Practicing and playing leaves in USCA croquet

How to organize and execute leaves (end-of-turn sequences) in the USCA game.

Unusual break pickups in USCA croquet

Move beyond the three-ball-dead attack.

What’s new in the new USCA rules?

An unofficial commentary on the new edition of The Official Rules of the United States Croquet Association American Six Wicket Game.

Last updated
20 August 2004